Thursday 12 February 2015

Listening Comprehension

Dear children,

Reminder that next Tuesday will be our Listening Comprehension test. We had our practice today and most of us did very well. However, do not be complacent, we need to continue to listen carefully and earn full marks!

Note to parents: For the listening comprehension test, the words will be revealed for the phonics section. Their practice did not reflect the words but it will be for the test. It's similar to what the kids do in their Stellar Learning Sheets. 3 areas of phonics are tested. The following are the questions that were tested in their practice paper today.

A letter was given out regarding Chinese New Year Celebrations, School ends at 9.45 am on Wednesday. If you are going off for the holidays and will not be attending school, please ask your parents to provide a letter indicating the reason and dates.

Mrs Soh

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