Friday 26 June 2015

Ready for Term 3?

Dear children,

We are going to start school again! If you had followed the news with your parents, you would be aware that there is a MERS outbreak in South Korea. For preventive measures, the school will be setting up screening stations in the canteen area and along the corridors when you enter the school gates in the morning. 

Please remember to bring your thermometer (make sure it's working!) everyday as there will be temperature-taking exercises often. 

For children who have been overseas during the holidays, please remind your parents to fill in the travel declaration*, which should be sent via the AsknLearn app. If your parents have to downloaded the app yet, do help to ask them too. :) 

*To clarify, a NIL response is needed as well if you have not travelled.

Some reminders:

If you're not feeling well, please see a doctor and rest at home. We will see one another soon when you recover!

Meanwhile, take care of yourselves, and see you on Monday!

Mrs Soh 

Note: Timetable is updated under <Timetable>. There are only very slight changes as some lessons are moved around in the same day.

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