Friday 27 March 2015

Remembering Mr Lee Kuan Yew

Dear children,

I would like to dedicate this late Friday's post to our late founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. We have discussed with some depth about his contributions and how much Singaporeans feel for him. We watched many videos about his life, the long lines of people queuing to pay their last respects to him, and even discussed why we thought the officers who carried the coffin had to walk so slowly. Death was a very solemn topic and though not everyone of us can understand, some of our classmates who were more sensitive still dropped a tear or two.

We each wrote a little card to Mr Lee. Some of our friends' cards were displayed in school, some were brought over to the Parliament House, some were brought over to the Woodlands Civic Centre, one of the community sites.

Showing you Dylan's card:

On Sunday, the State Funeral Procession will commence at
 12.30pm and be telecast “live” on national television. It would be the final goodbye to our dear Mr Lee.


I would like to share my favourite national day song, 'Home' by Kit Chan. This guitarist, Sungha Jung, is famous on YouTube for his exceptional guitar skills. He is one of the non-Singaporeans who respect Mr Lee and dedicates this song to him online. You might not know, but Mr Lee Kuan Yew is very well received and loved all over the world. This song brought tears to my eyes as I counted my blessings.

I pray for our country, that we will all strive and work towards a better Singapore, to continue Mr Lee Kuan Yew's legacy.

With lots of love,
Mrs Soh

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