Monday 31 August 2015

Reader's Theatre is Tomorrow!

Dear children,

I have printed out pig and wolf masks for the groups reading these parts. As for narrators, we will be wearing crazy glasses! We will make use of the last period of PAL art to settle our little props. I'm putting the links to the free printable pages if you want to make it in future as well. Hope you like it! [Updated: The links didn't work previously. Now you can try it again!]

Thursday 27 August 2015

When to double the consonant...

when changing a verb into its past tense.

Dear children,

This video helps to tell us when to double the consonant! It is when there is a short vowel sound in the word that makes us double the consonant at the end. 

More notes: 

If a regular verb ends in a single vowel and a single consonant (except x), double the consonant before
you add -ed:

beg / begged; clap / clapped; fan / fanned;
hop / hopped; jog / jogged
pin / pinned; rip / ripped; slam / slammed;
tan / tannedwhip / whipped; zip / zipped

Compare these verbs:
hop / hopped and hope / hoped;
pin / pinned and pine / pined
file / filed and fill / filled;
like / liked and lick / licked

*Please take note that in this video, the teacher pronounces the word 'wag' differently from us. I believe it is how they read it in their country, which is different from us.

I'll touch on it more tomorrow! See you then!

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 26 August 2015

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

WOLF: Everybody knows the story of the Three Little Pigs. Or at least they think they do. But I'll let you in on a little secret. Nobody knows the real story, because nobody has ever heard my side of the story. I'm the Wolf. Alexander T. Wolf. You can call me A1.

NARRATOR 1: No one knows just how this whole Big Bad Wolf thing got started, but it's all wrong.

NARRATOR 2: Maybe it's because wolves eat cute little animals like bunnies and sheep and pigs. That's just the way they are. If cheeseburgers were cute, folks would probably think people were Big and Bad, too.

NARRATOR 1: But the whole Big Bad thing is all wrong.

NARRATOR 2: The real story is about a sneeze and a cup of sugar.

NARRATOR 3: Way back in Once Upon a Time time, our friend, the wolf, was making a birthday cake for his dear granny.

NARRATOR 4: He had a terrible sneezlng cold.

NARRATOR 5: He had ran out of sugar.

NARRATOR 6: So he walked down the street to ask his neighbor for a cup of sugar.

NARRATOR 1: Now this neighbor was a pig.

NARRATOR 2: And he wasn't too bright, either.

NARRATOR 3: He had built his whole house out of straw.

NARRATOR 4: Can you believe it? Who ln his right mind would build a house of straw?

NARRATOR 5: So of course the minute the wolf knocked on the door, it fell right in and he didn't want to just walk into someone else's house.

NARRATOR 6: So he called.
WOLF: Little Pig, ... Little Pig, are you in?
NARRATOR 1: No answer.

NARRATOR 2: He was just about to go home without the cup of sugar for his dear old granny's birthday cake.

NARRATOR 3: That's when his nose started to itch.

NARRATOR 4: He felt a sneeze coming on.

NARRATORS 1-2-3-4-5-6 (TOGETHER) Well, he huffed. And he snuffed.

NARRATOR 1: And he sneezed a great sneeze.

NARRATOR 2: And you know what? That whole straw house fell down. And right in the middle of the pile of straw was the First Little Pig-dead as a doornail.

NARRATOR 3: He had been home the whole time.

NARRATOR 4: It seemed like a shame to leave a perfectly good ham dinner               lying there in the straw. So the wolf ate it up.

NARRATOR 5: Think of it as a big cheeseburger just lying there.

NARRATOR 6: He was feeling a little better. But he still didn't have his cup of sugar.

NARRATOR 1: So he went to the next neighbor's house.

NARRATOR 2: This neighbor was the First Little Pig's brother. He was a little smarter, but not much. He had built his house of sticks.

NARRATOR 3: He rang the bell on the stick house.

NARRATOR 4: Nobody answered.

NARRATOR 5: He called:

WOLF:     Mr. Pig, ... Mr. Pig, are you in?

NARRATOR 6: He yelled back:

2ND PIG: Go away wolf. You can't come in. I'm shaving the hairs on my chinny chin chin.
NARRATOR 1: He had grabbed the doorknob when he felt another sneeze coming on.

NARRATORS 1-2-3-4-5-6 : He huffed. And he snuffed.

NARRATOR 2: And he tried to cover his mouth, but he sneezed a great sneeze.

NARRATOR 3: And you're not going to believe it, but this guy's house fell down just like his brother's.

NARRATOR 4: When the dust cleared, there was the second Little Pig -- dead as a doornail.

WOLF:     Wolf's honor!

NARRATOR 5: Now you know food will spoil if you leave it out in the open.

NARRATOR 6: So the wolf did the only thing there was to do. He had dinner again.

NARRATOR 1: Think of it as a second helping.

NARRATOR 2: He was getting awfully full. But his cold was feeling a little better.

NARRATOR 3: And he still didn't have that cup of sugar for his dear old granny's birthday cake.

NARRATOR 4: So the wolf went to the next house. This guy was the First and Second Little Pigs' brother.

NARRATOR 5: He must have been the brains of the family. He had built his house of bricks.

NARRATOR 6: The wolf knocked on the brick house. No answer.

WOLF:     Mr. Pig,. . . Mr. Pig, are you in?

NARRATOR 1: And do you know what that rude little porker answered?

3RD PIG:                Get out of here, Wolf. Don't bother me again.

NARRATOR 2: Talk about impolite!

NARRATOR 3: He probably had a whole sackful of sugar.
NARRATOR 4: And he wouldn't give the wolf even one little cup for his dear, sweet old granny's birthday cake.

NARRATOR 5: What a pig!

NARRATOR 6: The wolf was just about to go home and maybe make a nice birthday card instead of a cake, when he felt his cold coming on.

NARRATORS 1-2-3-4-5-6: He huffed. And he snuffed. And he sneezed once again.

NARRATOR 1: Then the Third Little Pig yelled:

3RD PIG: And your old granny can sit on a pin!

NARRATOR 2: The wolf was usually a pretty calm fellow. But when he heard somebody talk about his dear, sweet old granny like that, he went a little crazy.

NARRATOR 3: When the cops drove up, of course he was trying to break down this Pig's door. And the whole time the wolf was huffing and puffing and sneezing and making a real scene.

NARRATOR 4: The rest, as they say, is history.

NARRATOR 5: The news reporters found out about the two pigs he had for dinner.

NARRATOR 6: They figured a sick guy going to borrow a cup of sugar didn't sound very exciting.

NARRATOR 3: So they jazzed up the story with all that "huff and puff" and "blow your house down" stuff.

NARRATOR 4: And they made him the Big Bad Wolf.

NARRATOR 5: That's it.

NARRATOR 6: The real story.


NARRATORS 1-2-3-4-5-6: But maybe you could loan him a cup of sugar.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Review of TR 5 results

Dear children,

Your TR papers will be returned soon when all the absentees in the level have sat for their papers and when all the papers are in order. In general, I'm glad that most of you improved! Although it gets maddening sometimes when many of you lost marks due to your carelessness! These are the common careless mistakes that cost us:

Q4: John and his friends _____________ along the beach yesterday. (Past Tense!) 
                  and your answer showed present tense :(

Q7: Transference error - excitement became excitment

Q11: She sat down to do (base form) her work.

Q12 and Q14: Answers should be in past tense. Keywords - 'came' and 'could'.

Q15: Philip was the king's son, so he was a prince!

*Q17: Past tense should be used. Question asked 'Why did King John want Dragolion to be killed?'

He wanted to kill it as it had killed many people and destroyed many parts of his kingdom.
*Take note that for this question, if the whole answer was lifted (copied exactly) from the passage, it will only obtain 1 mark. 

If not lifted and you wrote ' has killed many people...', the teachers have decided not to penalise it as according to the passage at that point of time, the Dragolion was still killing people.

However, I feel that it is more clear cut to always use the past tense or past perfect tense when answering comprehension questions if the story showed past events and the questions showed past tense as well.


Hope we can all do even better for the next TR!


Mrs Soh

PAL - Amazing Race

Dear children,

Today we had Art for PAL and I took some photos of you guys with your gift bags. However, I accidentally deleted the photos while trying to upload them. *sigh*
However, I have some old photos that I have yet to upload. This was the last lesson of PAL Outdoor Education where we had the amazing race. I was one of the station masters where the challenge was to find out the number of hanging bottles at our vertical garden. Some groups started counting one by one from the first to the last (and still got it wrong), while some of you came up with the idea to multiply each column with the number of rows. Nevertheless, I think we all had a smashing good time! :)
Sorry I missed out one group photo though!

Mrs Soh

Friday 21 August 2015

Things to bring for Art

Dear children, 

As requested, I'm posting the photo I took last week after your Art lesson. Remember to get these materials ready for Thursday's Art lesson! 
Mrs Soh

Wednesday 19 August 2015

E-Learning details (20-21 Aug)

Dear darlings,

E-learning starts at 8.30 am on 20 and 21 August. 21 August's assignments will only appear on the day itself. These are the E-learning activities that we have to complete for the next 2 days:

20 August 
1. Koobits: Assignment set by Ms Madeline dated 20 August 2015
2. AskNLearn: Maths task for Primary 2 under 'My Tasks'.

1. AskNLearn: August 20 E-Learning Primary 2_English set by Ms Kavitha

21 August 
1. Koobits: Assignment set by Ms Madeline dated 21 August 2015
2. AskNLearn: Maths task for Primary 2 under 'My Tasks'.

1. AskNLearn: August 21 E-Learning Primary 2_English set by Ms Kavitha

I won't be able to reply messages or phone calls during PSLE Oral, so if you encounter any technical problems while accessing the websites, please call up either the school or the respective HelpDesk:

AskNLearn: 6777 9661
Koobits: 6873 2370
In addition, revise your spelling words and listen the two books, 'The Grasshopper and The Ant' and 'The Owl Babies'. For the video story in 'The Grasshopper and The Ant', there are new words spelt out for you. Write down these new words into your Word Bank book. Use a dictionary to find out what they mean! I'll be testing you on Monday.

The Grasshopper and The Ant

The Owl Babies

Enjoy your e-learning!

Lots of love,
Mrs Soh :)

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Tuesday updates

We have read our big book, "The Feast". Group member 5 of each group got the chance to bring back the small book first!

Reminder that we have our spelling 7 tomorrow. Spelling books have been returned today.

I didn't manage to take photos of you guys with your PAL art work, but Mdm Wang sent me some photos. Here they are!

See you tomorrow!
:) Mrs Soh

Friday 14 August 2015

Revision for TR5

Dear children, 

Next Monday will be our TR 5 for English. It will be after recess, so I will still be able to revise with you before the test. These are the things to revise:

Vocabulary (refer to spelling list)
Unit 9 - The Best Pet
Unit 10 - The Grasshopper and The Ant
Unit 11 - Owl Babies

1. Present tense and Past tense (Look for clues in the sentences.)
The tense must be the same for the whole sentence. 
E.g. The girls danced (past tense) in the rain and they were (past tense) drenched.

The only exception is when someone is talking.
E.g. "The soup is (present tense) too salty for me," Guang Hon said (past tense) at the restaurant just now (past tense).

2. Subject Verb Agreement
Singular nouns have singular verbs.

The elephant splashes water over itself.
The boy runs across the road.

Plural nouns have plural verbs.

The mice splash water everywhere. ['mice' is the plural of 'mouse']
The boys run across the road.

3. Prepositions
The oranges fell through the hole in the bag.
The ball went over the roof.

4. Conjunctions/Connectors
We waited for a long time but the bus did not come.
He had a stomachache because he ate expired food.

5. Contractions
She's a lovely girl.
She is a lovely girl.

She's been to London.
She has been to London.

6. Pronouns
Uncle Lim is going for his morning walk now.
The horses are happy with their trainers.

7. Modal verbs
He can swim (base form) very well.
She will come (base form) for the party. 

There are more to each section, the examples above are only some of them. Refer to your STELLAR units for more examples. I have returned all the units so you should have them in your blue EL file.

I have uploaded a practice TR 5 on AsknLearn. Please complete your online quiz, I will be checking your results over the weekend.

For the Comprehension practice, I have given a hardcopy for you to work on. I will be going through the practice on Monday morning.

For pupils who want extra practice, complete the whole of Unit 11: Owl Babies. We will be finishing the unit on Monday and I will be going through on Monday too. Let's come to school ready to learn!

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Recap: Grammar

Hi children,

Let's recap what we have been doing the past 2 days for English!

1. We went through what adjectives are and created sentences. 
*Common mistake made while writing: 
Nobody live in the house.
Nobody lives in the house.

2. We revised our pronouns in the cloze passage that we did. We reminded one another to underline keywords that give us the clues to the answer. Pronouns are words that replaces nouns.

3. We talked about apostrophes and used them in contractions. There's one tricky one that we have to look out for:

She's can replace She is OR She has.

She's in the kitchen.
She is in the kitchen.

She's been in the kitchen.
She has been in the kitchen. 

We learn to read carefully before we assume the answer.

4. We revised our prepositions.
We did actions to represent words that tell us the position of the nouns, like over, in, on, through, with. We had a group challenge to see which group can get the most number of right answers.

Hope you can remember all that we have learnt!

Mrs Soh

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Clean Canteen

As part of our efforts to keep our school canteen clean, we took a little time off to make things right. :)

Tuesday 4 August 2015

National Day Songs

Dear children,

These are the main National Day songs for this year. Enjoy!

1. National Day 2015 Theme Song (Singer: JJ Lin)
*Do you know that this was the original version that Mr Dick Lee composed? It was after Mr Lee Kuan Yew's passing that Mr Dick Lee rearranged the song to a more nostalgic one.

2. National Day Theme Song (Singer: Dick Lee)

3. These Are The Days (SG 50 song, winner of Sing50 competition)

Monday 3 August 2015

Wear Red and White for National Day

Dear children,

Remember to come don in your Red and White clothes on Thursday! Bring along your Singapore flags too to join in the celebration!

It's best to wear a red top with white bottom, just like how our Singapore flag is. We shall still wear our school shoes. Bring a small bag with your water bottle, story book. That's all! School ends at 10 am. :)

Mrs Soh

Show and Tell (Combined)

Dear darlings,

I'm uploading the highlights of our show and tell last week! Enjoy!
Glenn and his kendama

Alysa and her colourful parrot

Arfan and his magic talking cat

Sarifuldin and his transforming robot

Aloysius and his toy plane

Hui Fang and her kendama