Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Review of TR 5 results

Dear children,

Your TR papers will be returned soon when all the absentees in the level have sat for their papers and when all the papers are in order. In general, I'm glad that most of you improved! Although it gets maddening sometimes when many of you lost marks due to your carelessness! These are the common careless mistakes that cost us:

Q4: John and his friends _____________ along the beach yesterday. (Past Tense!) 
                  and your answer showed present tense :(

Q7: Transference error - excitement became excitment

Q11: She sat down to do (base form) her work.

Q12 and Q14: Answers should be in past tense. Keywords - 'came' and 'could'.

Q15: Philip was the king's son, so he was a prince!

*Q17: Past tense should be used. Question asked 'Why did King John want Dragolion to be killed?'

He wanted to kill it as it had killed many people and destroyed many parts of his kingdom.
*Take note that for this question, if the whole answer was lifted (copied exactly) from the passage, it will only obtain 1 mark. 

If not lifted and you wrote '...it has killed many people...', the teachers have decided not to penalise it as according to the passage at that point of time, the Dragolion was still killing people.

However, I feel that it is more clear cut to always use the past tense or past perfect tense when answering comprehension questions if the story showed past events and the questions showed past tense as well.


Hope we can all do even better for the next TR!


Mrs Soh

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