Monday 16 November 2015

Clarification on APEX classes

Dear children,

3E and 3F is not what we called first or second class. Going to 3A, 3B, 3C or 3D doesn't mean that the class is lousy either. 

Basically, the school is trying to put the pupils who are good in the specific subjects together so that they are able to move on faster as a class and be stretched further in the subject they are already good at. 

For the other 4 classes, it's a well-balanced class with a good mix of children of average performance. There are good students too who could have made it to the APEX but missed the cut by a little. 

Ultimately, there is no difference in syllabus or books between APEX and normal class. In fact the only difference is that they could have a little more homework to do. Other than that it's the same. And pupils in APEX class will not stay there all the way to P6. Some pupils may be swapped out depending on their performance and the teachers' advice.

And being in an APEX class doesn't give you any additional privilege in school for anything. 

So I hope there be no negative comparison among you. I hope everyone will continue to strive and improve. In fact, some of the top PSLE pupils I've known do not come from APEX classes, so anyone can do well if you put your heart to it! All the best for next year!

Mrs Soh 

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