Monday 16 November 2015

Class allocation for 2016

Dear children,

Remember to ask your parents to sign your report books that are issued today. An overview of our class performance:

  • 5 of us made it into 3F (Language APEX)
  • 8 of us made it into 3E (Maths APEX)
  • 16 of us are moving up to 3B

Special mention of pupils who are receiving awards during the prize-giving ceremony:

1st in class & 6th in level- Rayyan
Best in Maths - Jovan

Good Progress & Best Progress Award - Sarifuldin 
(from 4-6 marks in past English TR results to a whooping 27 in SA2 English!)

Congratulations to all prize winners! :)

Proud of all of you,
Mrs Soh

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