Friday 29 May 2015

29th May 2015 - E-learning




Login to ASKnLearn LMS ---> Click My Tasks ---->Click on  Semester 1 Stellar Revision (E-Learning Day 29 May 2015) (Posted by Ms Madeleine)

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Use Your Hand Campaign and Art

Check out <Homework/Reminders> tab for details!

Steady Beat and Making Rhythms

Let's talk about music today!

We tried playing a hand-clapping game that shows the importance of keeping a steady beat! This is a video of how the whole sequence looks like:

I didn't manage to record us, we were busy laughing at ourselves as our hands were flying everywhere. We will try it again the next music lesson. I shall tell you the story behind it next time!

Then, we had a person in our group try keeping the steady beat then the others created rhythms. Blue (Do) group managed to do it nicely, just that their beat-keeper (Dylan) got a little confused and ended up hitting the tambourine together with the rhythm. Nonetheless, it was a commendable effort.

See you tomorrow!

:) Mrs Soh

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Our Learning Journey

Dear children,

I had lots of fun at the Botanic Gardens and at the National Orchid Garden, how about you? I hope we have all learnt something new today!

These are some of the pictures we had while we were there:

What we learnt today:
1. Names and facts of some interesting plants
2. Solving real life problems (Maths - the bench problem and telling time)
3. Using a compass 

And most importantly, enjoying each other's company. :)

Finish up your worksheet and bring it back tomorrow. Remember to bring the bookmark that you have designed too! See you tomorrow!

Mrs Soh

Monday 25 May 2015

Re-post: Learning Journey Details

Dear children, 

These are important things to note for tomorrow's Learning Journey:

1. Pack your own food into 2 parts

  • We will be having a little snack at the start (about 9.15 am) before we start our activities. Then, we will have a picnic at the end of the activities (about 12 pm).
  • Bring food that will not spoil easily.

2. Bring these things to put in a small bag:
  • pencil case
  • a clipboard
  • water bottle
  • a small story book
  • raincoat/poncho*** (MUST BRING! It might rain.)
  • food
  • thermometer (we will be checking our temperatures before going) 
  • mosquito repellent / patch (optional)
3. Wear PE attire

Keep yourselves healthy so that we can all go! See you there!

:) Mrs Soh

Friday 22 May 2015

Exam papers

Dear children,

Remember to get your papers signed and bring them back on Monday These are the ones returned today:

1. Maths TR 4
2. English TR 4
3. Individual Writing scoresheet
4. Stimulus-based Conversation scoresheet

There's no homework today, but do look through your bag or your tables for any homework that you might have missed. 

There are about 15 of you who have not finished your e-learning work from yesterday. Please complete it by this weekend. That's all for now, enjoy your weekend!

Mrs Soh

Thursday 21 May 2015

E-learning starts 8.30am today

Dear children,

You can start doing your online assignments on ASKnLearn from 8.30am to 9.00pm. 


Once you log in to ASKnLearn ----> Go to My Tasks 

Complete the following assignments. They were set by Mr Khaarthik for the whole level.

1) E-Learning - 21st May 2015 (English)

2) E-Learning - 21st May 2015 (Mathematics)


Login and go to 'Homework'. Complete:

3) E-Learning Day HW-1 (21st May) (15 questions)

4) E-Learning Day HW-2 (21st May) (5 problem sums)

 5) E-Learning (21st May) - Length

**If you have Mother Tongue assignment, please do remember to complete it as well** 


If you have difficulties with logging in, you can ask your parents help call the Asknlearn Helpdesk at 6777 9662 or 6777 9661.

Do remember to take breaks every 10 minutes of online work.

See you on Friday!Laughing 


Mrs Soh

Tuesday 19 May 2015


Dear children,

We have finally finished up all the stellar units for semester 1! We started on our new big book for Social Studies: Kucinta Finds her Home. It's interesting how our lesson ended up discussing about earthquakes and volcanoes. We learnt a little more about the earthquake disaster that Nepal is going through and how we are very fortunate to be living in Singapore. 

I'm glad that we had the opportunity to talk about the world around us, as I found out that many of you had quite little knowledge of the world out there. I hope we can all be more sensitive about people's plight, and not laugh at other people's misfortune.

We went through our EL TR today too and did our corrections. I'm really disappointed that some of you made silly mistakes in your paper. This time, we only had Grace who had full marks for the paper. Congrats Grace!

Also, we received our consent form for our learning journey to the National Orchid Garden. We are going to have a day of fun activities next Tuesday! The teachers will be giving a briefing to all pupils (the whole level of P2 is going together) either tomorrow or Friday. Look out for it!

See you tomorrow!
Mrs Soh

Monday 18 May 2015

More revision: Subject-Verb Agreement

Dear children,

Let's check out what content AsknLearn has for us about Subject-Verb Agreement! 

Go to: Content > Primary 2 > English (Skills-based) > Grammar > Subject-Verb Agreement
Note: There's no link, you have to log in from the school website. This is a good practice to make sure you know where to find all the resources that you are entitled to!

Reminder: Bring your Fisherman and His Wife Stellar WS back! We are going to complete the last 2 activities! Also, I'll be spending some time to check your files tomorrow. Please bring both English files to school tomorrow!

Mrs Soh

Thursday 14 May 2015

Subject-Verb Agreement

Today, we worked on our Subject-Verb Agreement again. This is our area of weakness, so we are doing more exercises on it. 

Remember to learn your spelling! See you tomorrow!

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 13 May 2015

English TR 4

Dear children,

You should have your English file, Grammar Handbook and Grammar Workbook with you for revision. Most of us managed to complete our TR Practice 4 on AsknLearn, and repeated till we passed or get full marks. For those who did not manage to complete it, please do so at home!

TR 4 is similar to the format of the previous TR 3 and our TR Practices online. Do look through your spelling list too as some of the vocabulary would appear in our test.

Things to check:
1. Are we using the right tense?
2. Did we check for subject-verb agreement? (Super 'S')
3. Is the spelling right?
4. Did I write my small and capital letters correctly?

All the best for your TR!

With love,
Mrs Soh

PTM details

Dear parents,

Sorry for not including the teachers' full names.

English - Mrs Soh: Michelle Wong Fei Fun
Maths - Mr Hong: Mr Hong Yew Meng

MT Teachers: Please find out from your children :)

Mr Hong will be in 1H classroom as he is the form teacher of 1H. Please book separate appointments with the various teachers, each teacher is on a different schedule. Mr Hong, for example, teaches 3 levels of Maths.

Please let me know if you encounter any problem while booking the slots. Thank you!

Mrs Soh

Tuesday 12 May 2015


Dear children, we learnt all about determiners today!
I think most of us enjoyed working on the exercises in groups. Some of us were a little confused about when to use 'a' and 'an' at the start. I hope by now you would be clear already!

Key learning point: We listen to the beginning sound of the word rather than looking at its spelling. So, we check for the vowel sounds of  'a, e, i, o, u'.

Vowel sounds (say out the word and listen to the sound the vowels make) 
'a' as in apple
'e' as in elephant
'i' as in igloo
'o' as in orange
'u' as in umbrella

Notice how in the following examples, the words start with the same letter but we do not all use the same article. We need to sound out the words and listen to its beginning sound.
A house
A history book
An honour
An honest boy

A unicorn
An umbrella
An unforgettable day

Hope you understood what was taught! See you tomorrow!
:) Mrs Soh

Monday 11 May 2015

Parent-Teacher Meeting (29 May)

Dear parents,

The children have brought back a letter about booking slots for our mid-year parent-teacher meeting. The AsknLearn portal will only be available from Wednesday onwards for you to access the appointment option. 

Please acknowledge the letter by signing at the top right corner

For parents who are not able to attend PTM on that day, this is what you may want to do:
1. Arrange for a meet up on another day prior to it (subject to my availability). 
2. Give me a ring / phone conferencing.

Please let me know before the day comes so that I can plan the logistics, as report books are to be given out during the school's PTM day.

I look forward to seeing (or hearing from) you!

Mrs Soh

IFD Performance video

Dear children,

Thanks for the patience, I finally managed to get the video from our school's IT crew! The quality of the video isn't that good, but see if you can spot yourself!

:) Mrs Soh

Articles: A, An, The

Let's learn and revise on our articles! We will be working on it tomorrow. You can read up on it first!

Friday 8 May 2015

Communicating with Respect

Dear children,

We learnt how to write respectfully especially when we type online or reply text messages on the phone. The person receiving the message cannot see our facial expressions or the tone of our voice, so we have to be very careful when we write.


1. What’s happening? :(           [sad]
2. What’s happening? :)           [happy]
3. What’s happening?!?           [confused/ angry/ shocked /curious /surprised/ jealous]

For example 3, many of us felt differently about it. This shows very clearly how we really have to check our writing to make sure we send the right feelings across. We also talked about the blogger Amos Yee, who got himself into trouble when he wrote things that were insensitive.

In a nutshell, think before you write!

Mrs Soh

Also, a very happy Mother's Day to all your mothers! :)

Thursday 7 May 2015

No updates today

We had our writing test today. I'll say our class isn't too bad when it comes to writing. Please bring 2 of your blue English files tomorrow, we will be doing filing soon, and prepare for our TR next Thursday. See you tomorrow!

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Fisherman and His Wife + writing checklist

Dear children,

We have started on our new book! This book offers much more than a story - we have a newspaper report, a play, art and craft, and amazing fish facts in the same book! Member 3 of each group is lucky to get it first today. :)

We will be learning more about text types and work on our tenses as well. Our writing test tomorrow will be after recess, so we will have some time to go through more writing skills before we get to do the test. 

Key things to check for writing:
1. Past tense
2. Subject verb agreement (singular and plural)
3. Punctuation and at least 3 paragraphs 
4. Read again, does my story make sense?

If you are able to check for these, you should be ok. See you tomorrow! 

Mrs Soh

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Updates and reminders

Dear children,

We have completed 'Chicken Food' and I want to start 'Fisherman and His Wife' tomorrow! Hope everyone can be back healthy and ready to learn!

This Thursday, 7 May: Writing Test (45 min)
This Friday, 8 May: Spelling 5 (Chicken Food)

Next Thursday, 14 May: English TR 4
Next Friday, 15 May: Maths TR 4

Meanwhile, I'll be collecting $8.50 from pupils who are Singapore Citizens for Koobits, as under MOE guidelines, we cannot use Edusave to pay for this. For the non-Singaporeans, you do not have to pay as it was already collected (in the $55.50) at the start of the year.

Today, we went through our TR 3 papers and did our corrections. We will bring it back home tomorrow.

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs Soh

Monday 4 May 2015

Stay Healthy! New PAL cycle starts too!

Dear children,

Please take care of yourselves, drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetables. 7 of us fell sick today and that's a lot! We spent the time today revising and doing corrections, I'll start on the new book and new concepts tomorrow when everyone is back.

Tomorrow, we are starting our Outdoor Education for our PAL. Ms Baizura will be with us and teaching us more about the outdoors. You can wear your uniform for this.

See you all tomorrow!

Mrs Soh