Monday 25 May 2015

Re-post: Learning Journey Details

Dear children, 

These are important things to note for tomorrow's Learning Journey:

1. Pack your own food into 2 parts

  • We will be having a little snack at the start (about 9.15 am) before we start our activities. Then, we will have a picnic at the end of the activities (about 12 pm).
  • Bring food that will not spoil easily.

2. Bring these things to put in a small bag:
  • pencil case
  • a clipboard
  • water bottle
  • a small story book
  • raincoat/poncho*** (MUST BRING! It might rain.)
  • food
  • thermometer (we will be checking our temperatures before going) 
  • mosquito repellent / patch (optional)
3. Wear PE attire

Keep yourselves healthy so that we can all go! See you there!

:) Mrs Soh

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