Friday 8 May 2015

Communicating with Respect

Dear children,

We learnt how to write respectfully especially when we type online or reply text messages on the phone. The person receiving the message cannot see our facial expressions or the tone of our voice, so we have to be very careful when we write.


1. What’s happening? :(           [sad]
2. What’s happening? :)           [happy]
3. What’s happening?!?           [confused/ angry/ shocked /curious /surprised/ jealous]

For example 3, many of us felt differently about it. This shows very clearly how we really have to check our writing to make sure we send the right feelings across. We also talked about the blogger Amos Yee, who got himself into trouble when he wrote things that were insensitive.

In a nutshell, think before you write!

Mrs Soh

Also, a very happy Mother's Day to all your mothers! :)

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