Wednesday 6 May 2015

The Fisherman and His Wife + writing checklist

Dear children,

We have started on our new book! This book offers much more than a story - we have a newspaper report, a play, art and craft, and amazing fish facts in the same book! Member 3 of each group is lucky to get it first today. :)

We will be learning more about text types and work on our tenses as well. Our writing test tomorrow will be after recess, so we will have some time to go through more writing skills before we get to do the test. 

Key things to check for writing:
1. Past tense
2. Subject verb agreement (singular and plural)
3. Punctuation and at least 3 paragraphs 
4. Read again, does my story make sense?

If you are able to check for these, you should be ok. See you tomorrow! 

Mrs Soh

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