Thursday 23 April 2015

Composition Writing

Dear children, 

Today we used our time in class to write our compositions by ourselves. The test in week 7 will be similar to our practice where we will be given 45 min to write on the 4 pictures with helping words.

This is my version for you to refer to. It is not too difficult, we made used of words that we learnt. :)

          "Oh no! I am going to be late!" Johnson muttered as he dashed out of his house. Johnson had overslept because he did not hear his alarm clock ring. He held his sandwich and ate while he walked to school.

          When he was outside the school, he saw three naughty boys vandalising the walls of a block of flats. They were using colourful marker pens. Johnson's eyes grew wide with horror. He was shocked at what he saw.

          Although Johnson was going to be late for class, he stopped in front of the school gate. He hurriedly reported about the three boys to the teacher on duty. When the teacher heard about it, she called the principal and another teacher to go along with them. Then, Johnson led the way to where the boys were.

          The three naughty boys were caught red-handed. The teachers scolded them harshly. The boys were ashamed of their actions and apologised profusely. On the other hand, Johnson had done a good deed and was praised by the principal.


Mrs Soh

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