Friday 10 April 2015

Conversation Practice and Testing

Dear children,

A reminder that next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be our conversation test. It is 5% of our overall grade. In our practice paper, the teacher prompts are given. However, in the actual test, there will be no prompts. Only the picture will be given.

We had discussed about what a conversation should be like and I did a demonstration with Braven, where I was the pupil and he was the teacher. All of you got excited and started giving me suggestions! From what you have told me, I'm compiling the dos and don'ts here:

1. Greet the teacher. 
2. Maintain eye contact. Smile!
3. Answer the teacher's question. Talk about your personal experience, your thoughts and feelings. 
E.g. "I remember there was once when I went to the playground and met my friend Shailesh..."
4. You may want to end your conversation with a general sentence. 
E.g. "All in all, playgrounds are fun! I wish I can go there everyday!"
5. Thank the teacher.

1. Keep quiet and stare at the teacher.
2. Say things like "At the top right hand corner, a girl is playing on the swings".
3. Change the topic to what you buy in the shopping centre (let's say you started talking about going to the indoor playground. Stick to stories of the playground. Do not go on and on about the toy you want to buy at Toys R Us).

That's all for now, it's really quite simple, really. Take it as you're chatting with a friend. For this first test, I'll be the teacher you will be speaking to.

All the best!

Mrs Soh

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