Friday 24 April 2015

Some pointers for Composition Writing

Dear children,

I have received some questions about composition writing and would like to answer them in today's post!

Q: Will we be penalised if we write less than 80 words?

A: The teachers will not minus marks if you wrote 75 words. So long you are able to write a complete story from beginning to the end, we will still give you the content marks. On the other hand, if you were to write 200 words and the story is not complete, you don't get content marks either.

Q: How many paragraphs must we write?

A: We need at least 3 paragraphs: Introduction, Body and Conclusion. However, I encourage you to write 1 paragraph per picture, so that you will not end up writing 1 paragraph and writing too little. Some of you wrote very little as you combined all the 4 paragraphs into 1.

Q: How can we make our story better?
A: Adverbs are very useful. Just by adding words like 'happily', 'sadly', 'hurriedly' can add meaning to your sentences. You can add more words of feelings too.

He walked to school.
He walked to school slowly.
He walked to school slowly with a heavy heart.
He dragged his feet to school, his heart heavy. 

Hope this helps!

We will be having more practices next week!

Mrs Soh

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