Wednesday 28 October 2015

Updated: LJ to Philatelic Museum (29 Oct)

Dear children, 

Some updates about the day's plan:

1. We are going to have our recess break from 9 am - 9.30 am. Food is not allowed at the museum so we cannot bring any food with us.

2. You have to bring your MT materials as you will still have your MT lessons. We will leave the MT textbooks/workbooks in class after our recess break. The classroom will be locked.

List of things to bring in your small bag:
1. MT books
2. Story book for silent reading period
3. Pencil case
4. Clipboard
5. Water bottle
6. Money/food for recess

3. If you are bringing extra cash to buy souvenirs, please guard it carefully. The teachers will not be responsible for looking after your wallet.

I found the list of items on sale on their official website, so you may want to take a look if you are keen to purchase something from there: 

Parents, if you are allowing your child to buy something from there, please brief them on how you would like them to spend his/her money.

4. Thursday is our school uniform day for our class, so we will continue to wear that. 

Hope this makes it clearer now!

Mrs Soh

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