Thursday 15 October 2015

Phonics and listening comprehension

Dear children,

Can you remember the sounds that Teacher Betty went through today?

I hope everyone has been paying attention to all her lessons, as one of the components for listening is to identify and differentiate sounds.

We did a listening practice and to update the parents, I'm going through the components one by one:

Part 1: Spelling

The spelling list has been given out today. Out of the 12 words, 4 words will be tested in our coming Listening Exam (27 Oct). Please refer to the list below:

Part 2: Picture Matching
Part 3: Sound Discrimination

Part 2 is straight forward, they tick the picture that has been read out. For Part 3, this is where Teacher Betty's lessons come in. The children will be tested based on the sounds they hear. The question paper will only have the letters A, B, C and D for them to circle. They have to listen carefully to the words that are read out.

It will be an audio recording of Teacher Betty's voice during our Listening Test, so the children should not have problems as they would be familiar with her voice.

How do I revise for it?
1. Learn the spelling words.
2. Ask if your parents can help test you in reading words and you list down the words that have the same:

a) beginning sound
b) ending sound
c) middle sound
d) sound (rhyming words)

Hope this helps!

Mrs Soh

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