Friday 30 January 2015

It's Friday!

During FTGP, we tried to arrange ourselves according to our birthday. We did so without talking! It took us a very long time, and some of us were caught cheating as we whispered into our friend's ear. We talked about how we celebrate birthdays and got to know our friends better. We found out that most of us celebrate it differently, with some not even getting to celebrate it. :/ 

We learnt that all of us have differences, and we come from different backgrounds. Our experiences are different, and that the way we do things are different too. We learn to accept one another, and learn how to communicate with others properly. That means no fighting!


We imagined about being a butterfly and talked about where we would fly to, the things we would see and what we would do. This turns out to be our journal topic for this week! Hope that you would enjoy writing about it, I'm looking forward to reading all your wonderful stories! 

With love,
Mrs Soh 

Thursday 29 January 2015

Plural nouns

Dear children,

Today, we tackled our plural nouns! We did the accompanying worksheet in class. Click on the picture below to go to the website.

By the way, some of you are wondering when we can get back our TR papers. As there were some absentees, we will go through the paper after they have done the paper. This means that the TR papers will be given back next week.

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Quotation Marks

Dear children,

We revised on our punctuation and worked on our sentences. Some of you are still not sure how to use the quotation marks (or speech marks), so I have found this website that comes with an accompanying worksheet for you to work on. Click on the picture below to go to the website. You are able to download and print the Student Practice Sheet (comes with answers) and work on it as you watch the video. If I have time, I'll revisit this with the class.

P/s If the link doesn't work, go to

If you are unable to see the worksheet to print, let me know and I will print one for you.

Mrs Soh

Tuesday 27 January 2015

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Dear children,
Now you can watch the whole process of the caterpillar's metamorphosis!

There's another video from the National Geographic Channel that you can watch too. Click on the picture below to go to the website.


Mrs Soh

Monday 26 January 2015

Big Book: A Butterfly is Born

We have started reading the big book, 'A Butterfly is Born'. I will start lending out the small books for you to bring home from tomorrow onwards. Remember to bring the book back after one day so that your classmate gets a chance to read it too! Same thing, you may want to take photos of the book for your own reference. 

Some fun facts that we talked about in class:

1. Caterpillars, like all insects, actually have 6 legs.

You can see on the right, by its head, 3 pairs of black, pointy legs that it's using to grab the bud it's eating. On its abdomen, holding onto the stem, are the stumpy prolegs: four pairs in the middle and one pair by the rear end.

2. Butterflies scare off predators by using warning colours (red, yellow) and spots that look like eyes.

Friday 23 January 2015

Answer Key to Practice Paper

Dear Parents, 

I have prepared a practice paper for the children. This does not follow exactly how the TR 1 will be, as I included 1 more Grammar MCQ and 2 more Comprehension Open-Ended questions for the children to practise. You may refer to this answer key while you look through their paper. I'll be going through the paper again before their actual TR.

Answer Key

Section A: Vocabulary MCQ
Section B: Grammar MCQ

Section C: Vocabulary Cloze





Section D: Comprehension
He was trying to open the door of a parked car.
They wanted to tell their parents what they saw.
The man will be taken to a police station.

Hope this helps! 

Mrs Soh

Thursday 22 January 2015

ReadTheory Account just for 2 Honesty!

Dear children,

I stumbled upon this English comprehension website where they allow you to do online English quizzes and I am able to check on your progress as well. I have created an account for each of you! 

Go to this website:

Login with your username (the one on the right). The password is 2honesty.

 Ahmad, Arfan - ArfanA
 Ang, Charmyne - CharmyneA
 Aravin, Shailesh - ShaileshA
 Chiam, Braven - BravenC
 Chuang, Guang Hon - Guang HonC
 Farahadilah, Putri - PutriF1
 Foo, Shirlyn - ShirlynF
 Ho, Xanthe - XantheH
 Kalaiselvan, Vishal - VishalK
 Leah, Francesca - FrancescaL
 Li, Chengze - ChengzeL
 Li, Glenn - GlennL
 Liew, Yee Ling - Yee LingL
 Lim, Grace - GraceL23
 Mahathalakshmi, Magesh - MageshM
 Muhammad, Rayyan - RayyanM
 Muhammad, Sarifuldin - SarifuldinM
 Natarajan, Jeevanesh - JeevaneshN
 Ng, Jia Xin - Jia XinN
 Ng, Yihn Ray - Yihn RayN
 Poh, Yu Da - Yu DaP
 Senthilkumar, Samiksha - SamikshaS
 Shawqi, Rifan - RifanS
 Sng, Aloysius - AloysiusS
 Tneah, Alysa - AlysaT
 Wei, Hui Fang - Hui FangW
 Y, Kanthn - KanthnY
 Yeo, Jovan - JovanY12
 Yong, Dylan - DylanY1

Hope this will help you to read and understand more! You may start from Level 1, and based on your results, the system will choose either a more difficult or easier passage for you.

Have fun!

Mrs Soh

English TR 1 next Monday (26/1)

Dear parents,

I have shared with the children how they will be tested for TR 1 and TR 2.

The children will be sitting for a 1 hour paper. They are tested based on the unit, 'Bubble Trouble'. There will be:

2 Grammar MCQ (Multiple-Choice questions)
3 Vocabulary MCQ
4 Cloze Passage questions
2 Comprehension MCQ and 1 Comprehension Open-ended question

The weightage of this paper is 5% of the final year result.

I'll be giving the class a short sample paper tomorrow for them to try it out. We have tried Comprehension Open-ended today in class too, as we answered questions based on our class story. This and their STELLAR worksheet will be returned to the children for them to revise over the weekend.

Mrs Soh

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Group Writing: Bubble Party!

Today's highlight is group writing! We started off well but some of the groups ended up being not too happy. Some of us need to learn how to work cooperatively with others, and how to share ideas without hurting someone else. We also need to learn that we might not be able to get our way every time, and that we learn to accept others' ideas too.

The phrase of the day: "How about...?"
e.g. "How about adding this into our story?" 
When we put across our ideas in a more friendly manner, our friends are more likely to listen to us. :)

We will be editing our group writing tomorrow, and have our second presentation in the end. There's no homework today, so do spend the time learning your spelling for this Friday! 

*I will be updating the dates of spelling each week under the <Spelling List> tab above. I will include when I returned the spelling books too, for the parents' reference.*

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Soh

Tuesday 20 January 2015

PAL and the conjunction 'and'

A couple of photos from today..

We also learnt how to join 2 sentences by using the conjunction 'and'.

See if you can answer the questions above with confidence! 

Mrs Soh

Monday 19 January 2015

Our Class Writing: Making the Bubble Wand!

Making the Bubble Wand!

We wanted to have a bubble party but we wanted to make our bubble wands first. These were the items that we used to make the bubble wand: a wooden chopstick and some bendable wires.

First, we twisted the wire into any shape we wanted.  Next, we twirled the wire onto the wooden chopstick. After that, we tested the bubble wand to see if it stayed in place. Some of us got more wires to make the bubble wand bigger, and some of us got more wires to tie around the wand to make it more secure. Some of us decorated our wands by colouring on the chopstick.

Our bubble wands were very colourful and nice. Some of our wands were heart-shaped and Alysa had hers in the shape of a gingerbread man! Some even had more than one circle on their wands!

After some time, we had all completed our bubble wands. Hooray! We were excited and could not wait for the bubble party the next day!

By: 2 Honesty and Mrs Soh

Friday 16 January 2015

Fun with Bubbles!

Dear children,

Can you recall what we did for our bubble party?

1. Making the Bubble Wand

2. Creating our Soap Bubble Solution (Recipe 1)

3. Let's Play!

4. Time to Clean Up

And that sums up our bubble experience! We will be writing about it next week. See you soon! :)

With love,
Mrs Soh

Thursday 15 January 2015

Reminder: Townhall and Briefing Session

Dear Parents,

This is a reminder that we are having the following tomorrow. I will be around to meet you before the sesssion, and stay around till 8 pm.

Townhall with Principal and Briefing Session for Parents/Guardian of Primary 2 Pupils

Ref: WTP/2015/PAR/011/THP2

12 January 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Townhall with Principal and Briefing Session for Parents/Guardian of Primary 2 Pupils

Wellington Primary School turns 15 this year. As we mark a new milestone of the school’s history, we are excited to discuss new plans and directions for the school for the next three years from 2015 to 2017. Parents with P1 children are invited to a ‘Townhall Session with Principal’. If you have a question or topic which you hope the school can address either during this Townhall or otherwise, please email them to We will try our best to fit them into the session.

The briefing following the Townhall session will reiterate the Primary Education Review and Implementation (PERI) at P1 and P2 levels, as well as provide some guidance on ways parents can reinforce necessary habits and skills in the home to prepare their children for learning in the 21st Century.

Details of the session are as follows:
Day / Date      :    Friday, 16 January 2015
Time               :    5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Venue             :    School Hall of Respect, Level 2 (Wellington Primary School)
Registration   :    5.15 p.m. [Please register with the class teachers and collect the hand-outs]

As we are trying to reduce the administrative workload of staff through the use of technology, we would appreciate it if you could RSVP your attendance via the following platforms:


(ii)   Send SMS to 91055012 in the following format <Name of Child/Class><Number of Parents/Guardian Attending>

Thank you and hope to see you this Friday.

Yours sincerely,

Ms Karen Koek
Asst. Year Head (Lower Primary)
Wellington Primary School

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Soh

Video: Comparatives

Video: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Video: Irregular Verbs

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Highlights of the day!

Dear children,

We had our first PAL lesson of the year - Sports and Games!

We had a lot of fun. :)

We have also chosen our class chairperson. After all the potential candidates finished their speech, we wrote down the name of our ideal leader on paper. We counted the votes and the results are in:

Chairperson: Alysa
Vice-Chairperson 1: Yihn Ray
Vice-Chairperson 2: Xanthe

These people will be our leaders and since we have voted for them, we have to respect them when they carry out their duties. However, I will be observing them and if they do not show that they are a good role model, I will change them out and put someone more worthy in their place.

Hope you enjoyed yourselves!

Mrs Soh