Monday 5 January 2015

Things to bring for EL

Dear children,

Please remember to complete today's homework (list of homework can be found in the Homework/Reminders Tab).

These are the items that I would require you to bring by Thursday:

1. 1 Jotter Book for Journal Writing (the one with blank pages on alternate pages)
2. 1 Jotter Book for MLEA (Modified Language Experience Approach) - (the one with lines on all pages)
3. Word Bank Book (continuation from P1)
4. 1 3-line exercise book for spelling

Books that we are keeping in class:

1. Grammar Handbook and Workbook (when there's no homework)
2. 1 English file for STELLAR worksheets

As I'm also the subject teacher for SS and Music, these are also collected to be kept in class if there's no homework:
3. Social Studies Activity Book
4. Music Book


Mrs Soh

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