Wednesday 21 January 2015

Group Writing: Bubble Party!

Today's highlight is group writing! We started off well but some of the groups ended up being not too happy. Some of us need to learn how to work cooperatively with others, and how to share ideas without hurting someone else. We also need to learn that we might not be able to get our way every time, and that we learn to accept others' ideas too.

The phrase of the day: "How about...?"
e.g. "How about adding this into our story?" 
When we put across our ideas in a more friendly manner, our friends are more likely to listen to us. :)

We will be editing our group writing tomorrow, and have our second presentation in the end. There's no homework today, so do spend the time learning your spelling for this Friday! 

*I will be updating the dates of spelling each week under the <Spelling List> tab above. I will include when I returned the spelling books too, for the parents' reference.*

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Soh

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