Friday 16 January 2015

Fun with Bubbles!

Dear children,

Can you recall what we did for our bubble party?

1. Making the Bubble Wand

2. Creating our Soap Bubble Solution (Recipe 1)

3. Let's Play!

4. Time to Clean Up

And that sums up our bubble experience! We will be writing about it next week. See you soon! :)

With love,
Mrs Soh


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry for accidentally deleting your comment! Thank you so much, it's nice to feel appreciated. :)
    I'm not sure how to reverse what I have done, but I shall repost on your behalf:
    Thank you for uploading the beautiful pictures, Mrs Soh. It really captures the fun and awesome moments experienced by the children. Arfan shared a lot on his amazing activities today. He definitely enjoys it.
