Friday 2 January 2015

Class rules and expectations

Dear children,

Let's recap what we did today:

We got to know our friends and the teachers a little more, and we did a 'Love'/'Hate' activity where we stand at two ends of the class to indicate our love and hate for certain food, games and activities. Things got a little more serious when we tackle issues like 'Noisy Classroom', 'Clean Classroom', 'Making New Friends' and 'Bullies'. I'm glad that everyone chose to stand at the right places, showing that you know what is right from wrong.

From the above activity, we came up with these 3 golden class rules (after voting!):

1. Take care of one another.
2. Listen to one another.
3. ???

Now to test you, do you remember what the third rule is? ;)

We also learnt a song that we will use to remind one another to behave how we are expected to in class.

Can you still remember the words?

Mdm Wang also helped to collect textbooks and workbooks from those who brought. You may bring the books you still have at home next week for the teachers to start collecting.

See you on Monday!

Mrs Soh

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