Thursday 22 January 2015

English TR 1 next Monday (26/1)

Dear parents,

I have shared with the children how they will be tested for TR 1 and TR 2.

The children will be sitting for a 1 hour paper. They are tested based on the unit, 'Bubble Trouble'. There will be:

2 Grammar MCQ (Multiple-Choice questions)
3 Vocabulary MCQ
4 Cloze Passage questions
2 Comprehension MCQ and 1 Comprehension Open-ended question

The weightage of this paper is 5% of the final year result.

I'll be giving the class a short sample paper tomorrow for them to try it out. We have tried Comprehension Open-ended today in class too, as we answered questions based on our class story. This and their STELLAR worksheet will be returned to the children for them to revise over the weekend.

Mrs Soh

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